Happening Now

RailNation: DC 2025


Monday, March 24, 2025 8:30 AM Thursday, April 3, 2025 7:00 PM


Rail Passengers Office 1200 G St NW Suite 520 Washington DC 20005



  1. Info & Registration
  2. Council Business Meeting
  3. Accommodations
  4. Meeting Materials (Tracking Form, Attendees Directory, Meeting Template)

Info & Registration

Come to DC to tell members of Congress YOUR passenger-rail story! This year, our Spring RailNation:DC events will expand to include two full weeks of visits to Capitol Hill, and we need you to stand up and be counted! Visits, along with workshops to help you prepare, will take place over a two-week period from March 24th to April 3rd and will be broken into sessions for nine regions around the country.

(Click the links below to view the agenda for each region)

March 24th & 25th - Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
March 26th & 27th - Southeast, Southern, and South Central
March 31st & April 1st - Midwest
April 2nd & April 3rd - Northwest, Southwest, and Mountains/Plains

Price: $125.00/per person
* There is no breakfast, but there is coffee. We start the programming at 9 so that attendees have time to enjoy breakfast on their own.

* Office access will NOT be available before 8:30

* A lunch on the first day will be included

* You are responsible for your own hotel accommodations (see map below)



Council Business Meeting

Saturday, March 29th, 10:30am-5pm.

Price: $75 for in-person
* Lunch is included
* Free for those who will be streaming online (use the code DCVirtual at checkout when selecting the free ticket)

Location: Open Gov Hub
1100 13th St NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005

Additional Info



There are a number of hotel properties around DC's Metro Center (where the Rail Passengers Office is located - marked by the red star). We have marked a few on the map below, as well as the Capitol and Union Station.

Our Location
Additional Information on Local Hotels & Lodging

Depending on your hotel/hospitality arrangements, WMATA may be the easiest transportation option. We encourage you to visit WMATAs website to help with your planning needs.

Meeting Materials

2025 Legislative Resources
Meeting Invite Template
Hill Meeting Reporting Form
Hill Meeting Spreadsheet
Council + Attendee Directory