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Archive -- Wisconsin Association of Railroad Passengers Fall 2018 Meeting


Saturday, October 27, 2018 9:00 AM Saturday, October 27, 2018 2:30 PM


 2810 Golf Road Pewaukee WI 53072

Wisconsin Association of Railroad Passengers

Fall General Membership Meeting

October 27, 2018

Ingleside Hotel ( formerly the Country Springs Hotel ), Pewaukee, WI
2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee, WI 53072; exit I 94 at Hwy T
Phone: 262-547-0201


9:00 am Registration and Social Hour: coffee and rolls

10:00 am John Parkyn: Welcome and Remarks; WisARP President

10:10 am Dave Christianson: Executive Director, the Passenger Rail Organizing Counsel; West Central Rail Coalition; and New Ways to Consider Passenger Rail Services

11:00 am Arun Rao: Passenger Rail Implementation Manager; Wisconsin Department of Transportation: Update on Wisconsin State Passenger Rail Developments

Noon Luncheon

1:00 pm Andrew Selden: President, United Rail Passenger Alliance
Fun and Games of How Amtrak Gets Everything Backwards

1:45 pm Highlights of Rail Meetings and Updates:

Mark Quam and Al Schmitt for the Rail Passengers Association meeting in Miami; 20 minutes

Terry Brown and Nona Hill for the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission Meeting; 20 minutes

Robert Fisher or Nona Hill for the AAW Membership meeting; 10 minutes

Mark Quam for an Update on All Aboard Minnesota; 10 minutes

2:30 pm Questions, Answers and Discussion

2:45 pm Door Prizes: Mark Weitenbeck

3:00 pm Adjourn