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Archive -- POSTPONED WisARP Spring General Membership Meeting
Saturday, March 28, 2020 9:00 AM Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:00 PM
Centennial Hall, South Side Neighborhood Center 1300 South 6th Street La Crosse WI 54601
For more information, please visit https://wisarp.wordpress.com/
Tentative Agenda
9:00a |
Social Hour, Coffee, Juice and Rolls |
10:00a - Noon, 1:00p - 3:00p |
SpeakersThe major topic for discussion will be the second Chicago-Milwaukee-Twin Cities train. |
Noon |
Lunch |
3:00p |
Adjournment |
"We would not be in the position we’re in if it weren’t for the advocacy of so many of you, over a long period of time, who have believed in passenger rail, and believe that passenger rail should really be a part of America’s intermodal transportation system."
Secretary Ray LaHood, U.S. Department of Transportation
2011 Spring Council Meeting